Below are a few ideas to use for a template for your email. Feel free to customize or use as-is. If you would like us to post a copy of your email to the Community Voices tab, feel free to cc: We will only post constructive emails and will remove contact information details before posting.

Template 1:

Dear Councilor, I feel that change is needed in King City’s government. As new council members are hired, please take the following into consideration:

  • We do not want our new councilors to ignore their constituents.
  • We do not want our new councilors to take the position that the selected route for Fischer Road extension was the only viable option
  • We do not want our new councilors to take the position that the Master Plan cannot be changed
  • We do not want our new councilors to claim that concern about the planned road comes from the ‘self-interest of a few outsiders’
  • We do not want our new councilors to believe the fake story that the recall was run by wealthy landowners who want to control city council
  • We do not want our new councilors to believe the fake story that the recall was about stopping development

Template 2:

Dear Councilor, I feel that change is needed in King City’s government. I expect city council to unite the community by :

  • holding genuine conversations with constituents, listening without prejudice, and seeking to understand input
  • acknowledging that facts that show a different location for the east-west collector road will work
  • acknowledging that support for a new location of the road is broad within our community, and is within City Council’s power and responsibility to influence
  • reconsidering the choice of the route of the Fischer Road extension

Template 3:

Dear Councilor, I feel that change is needed in King City’s government. I would like to request that you look for the following when filling the vacant King City Council positions:

  • Someone who understands that the successful recall means that change is needed
  • Someone who is willing to openly consider exploring a different route for the east-west collector road
  • Someone who is willing to have genuine conversations with the community
  • Ask them – if you knew that a different route would meet the rules and regulations  – would you choose it?
  • Ask them – when an “expert” gives you a recommendation, do you seek to understand and possibly challenge their assumptions? Are you comfortable challenging the status quo?
  • Ask them – If you believe it is the right thing to do, are you able to say “No” and stand your ground under pressure, even if everyone else wants you to give a rubber stamp and say “Yes”.